Introduction in Community Dance Practice

Tanz die Toleranz is happy to be welcoming Tamara McLorg, pioneer of the community dance movement in the UK, back to Vienna!


Registration is possible until 25 May 2022 via

or Tel. +43 1 367 2554. Limited number of participants!
More information here

At the workshop “Introduction in Community Dance Practice” Tamara McLorg offers insights into her worldwide and longtime experiences with participatory dance projects and the special dance pedagogical requirements to create artistic processes in a social context.

When: 26 May 2022, 10:30 – 15:30
Where: On the 1st floor of the Kulturhaus Brotfabrik, Absberggasse 27, Stiege 3, 1100 Vienna.
Cost: 80€ regular/ 60€ reduced price for dance and theater professionals, the unemployed and students.

Tanz die Toleranz and Tammy are looking forward to seeing you!